colors in order of increasing wavelength

colors in order of increasing wavelength

Colors in Order of Increasing Wavelength

I. Introduction
– Define colors and their relationship to light
– Mention the electromagnetic spectrum and its role in determining color wavelength

II. Visible Spectrum
– Explain what the visible spectrum is
– Mention the range of wavelength that is visible to the human eye

III. Red
– Discuss the color red and its position in the visible spectrum
– Explain that red has the longest wavelength of any visible color
– Provide examples of objects or experiences associated with the color red

IV. Orange
– Discuss the color orange and its position in the visible spectrum
– Explain that orange has a shorter wavelength than red but longer than yellow
– Provide examples of objects or experiences associated with the color orange

V. Yellow
– Discuss the color yellow and its position in the visible spectrum
– Explain that yellow has a shorter wavelength than orange but longer than green
– Provide examples of objects or experiences associated with the color yellow

VI. Green
– Discuss the color green and its position in the visible spectrum
– Explain that green has a shorter wavelength than yellow but longer than blue
– Provide examples of objects or experiences associated with the color green

VII. Blue
– Discuss the color blue and its position in the visible spectrum
– Explain that blue has a shorter wavelength than green but longer than violet
– Provide examples of objects or experiences associated with the color blue

VIII. Indigo
– Discuss the color indigo and its position in the visible spectrum
– Explain that indigo has a shorter wavelength than blue but longer than violet
– Provide examples of objects or experiences associated with the color indigo

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IX. Violet
– Discuss the color violet and its position in the visible spectrum
– Explain that violet has the shortest wavelength of any visible color
– Provide examples of objects or experiences associated with the color violet

X. Conclusion
– Recap the order of colors in the visible spectrum from longest to shortest wavelength
– Emphasize the significance of wavelength in determining color
– Mention that beyond violet is ultraviolet light, which is not visible to the human eye

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