wavelength of helium spectrum

wavelength of helium spectrum

Wavelength of Helium Spectrum

The helium spectrum is an important topic in the field of atomic physics. It refers to the collection of wavelengths of light emitted by helium atoms when they undergo electronic transitions. These electronic transitions occur when the energy levels of the electrons in the helium atom change. This article aims to provide a detailed explanation of the wavelength of the helium spectrum.

我. Electrons in the Helium Atom:
The helium atom consists of two electrons and a nucleus containing two protons and two neutrons. The electrons occupy different energy levels, also known as shells, within the atom. The first shell closest to the nucleus can accommodate a maximum of two electrons, while the second shell can hold up to eight electrons.

二. Electronic Transitions:
When an electron in the helium atom gains or loses energy, it undergoes an electronic transition. The energy gained or lost by the electron corresponds to the difference in energy levels between the initial and final states. This energy difference determines the wavelength of light emitted or absorbed during the transition.

三、. Balmer Series:
One of the most well-known electron transitions in the helium atom is the Balmer series. The Balmer series consists of spectral lines in the visible light region and is characterized by the transition of an electron from the second energy level to higher energy levels. The wavelength of the spectral lines in the Balmer series can be calculated using the Balmer formula, which is derived from the Rydberg formula. The Balmer formula is given by the equation:

  example of clumped dispersion

1/λ = R(1/4 – 1/n^2)

Where λ represents the wavelength, R is the Rydberg constant, and n is the principal quantum number of the final energy level.

四号. Other Series:
In addition to the Balmer series, the helium spectrum also includes other series such as the Lyman series, Paschen series, and Brackett series. These series involve transitions from higher energy levels to the second energy level. Each series has its own unique set of wavelengths.

The study of the wavelength of the helium spectrum provides valuable insights into the behavior of electrons within the helium atom. By understanding the electronic transitions and their corresponding wavelengths, scientists can gain a deeper understanding of atomic physics. The Balmer series, as well as other series within the helium spectrum, are fundamental for studying the properties of light and the structure of atoms.


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