what is metro ethernet

what is metro ethernet

What is Metro Ethernet?


Metro Ethernet is a high-speed networking service that enables the efficient and cost-effective transfer of data and communication within a metropolitan area. It utilizes Ethernet technology, originally developed for local area networks (區域網路), to provide scalable and reliable connectivity over a wide geographical area.

Understanding Metro Ethernet

1. Definition and Scope
Metro Ethernet refers to the extension of Ethernet technology beyond traditional LAN environments. It involves the use of standard Ethernet protocols and switches to create a wide area network (WAN) that spans across multiple locations within a metropolitan area.

2. Network Architecture
Metro Ethernet networks are typically designed in a hierarchical fashion, with multiple layers of switches and routers. At the core, there is a high-capacity switching fabric that connects various access points throughout the area. This architecture allows for seamless communication and data transfer between different locations.

3. Key Features
a. 可擴展性: Metro Ethernet offers high scalability, allowing businesses to easily expand their network capacity as their needs grow. This flexibility ensures that the network can adapt to changing requirements without major infrastructure overhauls.
b. Reliability: Metro Ethernet networks are built with redundancy and failover mechanisms, ensuring high availability and minimal downtime. Multiple paths and alternative routing options are integrated to maintain uninterrupted connectivity.
c. High Bandwidth: Metro Ethernet provides ample bandwidth capacities, ranging from Mbps to Gbps, to support demanding applications and data-intensive tasks. This enables organizations to transmit large volumes of data quickly and efficiently.
d. Quality of Service (QoS): Metro Ethernet offers advanced QoS capabilities, allowing businesses to prioritize and manage different types of traffic based on their criticality. This ensures that essential applications receive sufficient network resources for optimal performance.

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Applications of Metro Ethernet

1. Data Center Connectivity
Metro Ethernet enables data centers to establish reliable and high-speed connections with other facilities within the metropolitan area. This allows for efficient data replication, disaster recovery, and seamless access to centralized resources.

2. Business Connectivity
Metro Ethernet provides high-speed connectivity options for businesses located within close proximity. It allows for the interconnection of multiple branch offices, empowering organizations to create a unified and highly efficient communication infrastructure.

3. Internet Access
Metro Ethernet can serve as a high-performance and cost-effective alternative to traditional leased lines for internet connectivity. It offers faster speeds and lower latency, enabling businesses to access the internet with ease and efficiency.


Metro Ethernet is a sophisticated networking solution that brings the benefits of Ethernet technology to metropolitan areas. Its scalable and reliable nature, combined with its high bandwidth and QoS capabilities, make it an ideal choice for businesses looking to establish fast and efficient communication infrastructure within a metropolitan area. By leveraging Metro Ethernet, organizations can improve productivity, streamline operations, and enhance connectivity across their network.


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