as the wavelength increases the frequency

as the wavelength increases the frequency

As the Wavelength Increases, the Frequency

我. 介紹
A. Definition of wavelength and frequency
乙. Explanation of the relationship between wavelength and frequency
C. Purpose of the article

二. Wavelength and Frequency
A. Definition of wavelength
1. The distance between two consecutive points on a wave
2. Measured in units such as meters, nanometers, or angstroms
乙. Definition of frequency
1. The number of complete wave cycles that pass through a given point in one second
2. Measured in units called hertz (Hz)
C. The inverse relationship between wavelength and frequency
1. Long wavelength corresponds to low frequency
2. Short wavelength corresponds to high frequency

三、. As the Wavelength Increases, the Frequency
A. Explanation of the statement
1. When the wavelength increases, the frequency decreases
2. This is based on the inverse relationship between wavelength and frequency
乙. Example 1: Sound Waves
1. Longer sound waves have lower frequencies
2. Result in lower-pitched sounds
C. Example 2: Electromagnetic Waves
1. As the wavelength increases in the electromagnetic spectrum:
A. Radio waves have lower frequencies
乙. Microwaves have higher frequencies compared to radio waves
C. Infrared waves have higher frequencies compared to microwaves
d. Visible light waves have higher frequencies compared to infrared waves
e. Ultraviolet waves have higher frequencies compared to visible light waves
f. X-rays have higher frequencies compared to ultraviolet waves
g. Gamma rays have the highest frequencies
D. Explanation of the scientific phenomenon
1. Longer wavelengths require more time to complete one full cycle
2. Result in fewer cycles occurring in a given timeframe
3. Reflects as lower frequency

  as the wavelength increases the frequency

四號. Applications and Significance
A. Importance of understanding the relationship between wavelength and frequency
乙. Application in communication systems
C. Application in medical imaging
D. Application in astronomy
乙. Impact on everyday life and technology

V. 結論
A. Recap of the article’s main points
乙. Reiteration of the inverse relationship between wavelength and frequency
C. Call to further explore the topic


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