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bước sóng ánh sáng dẫn

LED Light Wavelength

Giới thiệu
1.1 What is LED?
1.2 Importance of LED light wavelength

The Science Behind LED Light Wavelength
2.1 Understanding electromagnetic spectrum
2.2 What is wavelength?
2.3 How LED emits light?
2.4 Relationship between wavelength and color of light

Applications of Different Wavelengths of LED Light
3.1 Red LED light
3.1.1 Medical applications
3.1.2 Horticulture and agriculture
3.2 Blue LED light
3.2.1 Applications in medicine and dentistry
3.2.2 Aquarium lighting
3.3 Green LED light
3.3.1 Traffic signals and signage
3.3.2 Outdoor lighting
3.4 Ultraviolet (UV) LED light
3.4.1 Sterilization and disinfection
3.4.2 Counterfeit detection
3.5 Infrared (IR) LED light
3.5.1 Remote controls
3.5.2 Surveillance cameras

The Future of LED Light Wavelength
4.1 Advances in LED technology
4.2 Potential applications in health and wellness
4.3 Environmental benefits of LED lighting

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