ethernet color coding

ethernet color coding

Ethernet Color Coding

TÔI. Giới thiệu
A. Definition of Ethernet
B. Importance of Color Coding in Ethernet

II. Historical Background
A. Early Ethernet Systems
B. Need for Color Coding

III. Color Coding Standards
A. Ethernet Cable Categories
B. TIA/EIA-568-A Color Coding Scheme
C. TIA/EIA-568-B Color Coding Scheme

IV. Color Coding Components
A. Connectors
B. Cable Jackets
C. Cross-Over Cables

V.. Benefits of Color Coding
A. Easy Identification and Maintenance
B. Avoiding Connection Mistakes
C. Time-saving in Troubleshooting

VI. Implementation and Usage
A. Data Centers and Server Rooms
B. Home and Office Networks

VII. Phần kết luận
A. Importance of Color Coding in Ethernet
B. Recommended Usage of Color Coding
C. Future Developments in Ethernet Color Coding

ĐỌC  40gig qsfp

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