wavelength of black light

wavelength of black light

多级标题The Wavelength of Black Light

What is black light?
Importance of understanding its wavelength

Definition of black light:
What makes black light different from other forms of light?
How is black light produced?

Properties of black light:
Invisible to the human eye
Fluorescence and phosphorescence
Penetration and absorption capability

Wavelength of black light:
Range of wavelengths within the electromagnetic spectrum
Ultraviolet A (UVA): 315-400 นาโนเมตร
Ultraviolet B (UVB): 280-315 นาโนเมตร
Ultraviolet C (UVC): 100-280 นาโนเมตร

Uses and applications:
Forensic investigations
Pest control
Medical and scientific research
Entertainment and art

Understanding the wavelength of black light is crucial for its proper utilization
Advances in technology leading to enhanced applications in various fields

อ่าน  assume that the wavelength of photosynthetically active radiation


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