colors in order of increasing wavelength

colors in order of increasing wavelength

Colors in Order of Increasing Wavelength

jag. Introduktion
Define colors and their relationship to light
Mention the electromagnetic spectrum and its role in determining color wavelength

II. Visible Spectrum
Explain what the visible spectrum is
Mention the range of wavelength that is visible to the human eye

III. Red
Discuss the color red and its position in the visible spectrum
Explain that red has the longest wavelength of any visible color
Provide examples of objects or experiences associated with the color red

IV. Orange
Discuss the color orange and its position in the visible spectrum
Explain that orange has a shorter wavelength than red but longer than yellow
Provide examples of objects or experiences associated with the color orange

V. Yellow
Discuss the color yellow and its position in the visible spectrum
Explain that yellow has a shorter wavelength than orange but longer than green
Provide examples of objects or experiences associated with the color yellow

VI. Green
Discuss the color green and its position in the visible spectrum
Explain that green has a shorter wavelength than yellow but longer than blue
Provide examples of objects or experiences associated with the color green

VII. Blue
Discuss the color blue and its position in the visible spectrum
Explain that blue has a shorter wavelength than green but longer than violet
Provide examples of objects or experiences associated with the color blue

VIII. Indigo
Discuss the color indigo and its position in the visible spectrum
Explain that indigo has a shorter wavelength than blue but longer than violet
Provide examples of objects or experiences associated with the color indigo

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IX. Violet
Discuss the color violet and its position in the visible spectrum
Explain that violet has the shortest wavelength of any visible color
Provide examples of objects or experiences associated with the color violet

X. Slutsats
Recap the order of colors in the visible spectrum from longest to shortest wavelength
Emphasize the significance of wavelength in determining color
Mention that beyond violet is ultraviolet light, which is not visible to the human eye

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