pigmentary dispersion syndrome icd 10

pigmentary dispersion syndrome icd 10

jaz. Uvod
A. Definition of Pigmentary Dispersion Syndrome (PDS)
B. Importance of ICD-10 coding for accurate identification and tracking of PDS cases

II. ICD-10 Code for Pigmentary Dispersion Syndrome
A. ICD-10 code designation for PDS
B. Specific coding details for PDS diagnosis

III. Clinical Features of Pigmentary Dispersion Syndrome
A. Description of the primary clinical features of PDS
1. Iris changes
2. Pigment dispersion in the anterior chamber
3. Elevated intraocular pressure
B. Associated signs and symptoms
1. Blurred vision
2. Halos around lights
3. Eye pain or discomfort

IV. Diagnosis of Pigmentary Dispersion Syndrome
A. Overview of diagnostic methods
1. Comprehensive eye examination
2. Gonioscopy
3. Visual field testing
B. Differential diagnosis considerations
1. Other causes of pigment dispersion
2. Secondary glaucoma conditions

V. Treatment and Management of Pigmentary Dispersion Syndrome
A. Lifestyle modifications
1. Avoiding activities that increase intraocular pressure
2. Regular exercise and weight management
B. Medications for managing intraocular pressure
1. Topical eye drops
2. Oral medications
C. Surgical interventions
1. Laser trabeculoplasty
2. Trabeculectomy

VI. Prognosis and Complications of Pigmentary Dispersion Syndrome
A. Long-term outlook for PDS patients
B. Potential complications and associated risks
1. Pigmentary glaucoma
2. Optic nerve damage

VII. Zaključek
A. Summary of Pigmentary Dispersion Syndrome and its ICD-10 code
B. Importance of early diagnosis and appropriate management for PDS patients.

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