импульсный лазерный диод

импульсный лазерный диод

Pulsed Laser Diode

я. Введение
А. Overview of laser diodes
Б. Introduction to pulsed laser diodes

II. Working Principle of Pulsed Laser Diodes
А. Basic structure of a laser diode
Б. Injection current mechanism
С. Pulsed operation principle

III. Applications of Pulsed Laser Diodes
А. Laser range finders
Б. Laser communication systems
С. Медицинские приложения
1. Dental treatments
2. Dermatology treatments

IV. Advantages of Pulsed Laser Diodes
А. High peak power
Б. Компактный размер
С. Efficient energy conversion

В. Challenges and Limitations of Pulsed Laser Diodes
А. Thermal management issues
Б. Limited pulse repetition rate
С. Соображения стоимости

VI. Будущие разработки и тенденции
А. Increased pulse repetition rates
Б. Enhanced thermal management techniques
С. Integration with other technologies

VII. Заключение
А. Recap of the significance of pulsed laser diodes
Б. Potential advancements and applications in the future.

ЧИТАТЬ  импульсный лазерный диод

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