линейный аттенюатор

линейный аттенюатор

In line Attenuator

я. Введение
А. Определение
Б. Цель

II. Types of in line attenuators
А. Фиксированные аттенюаторы
1. Resistive type
2. Capacitive type
3. Inductive type
Б. Variable attenuators
1. Step attenuator
2. Continuously variable attenuator
3. Programmable attenuator

III. How In line attenuators work
А. Фиксированные аттенюаторы
1. Resistive type attenuators
а. Overview of resistive type attenuators
б. Principle of operation
с. Types of resistive materials used
2. Capacitive type attenuators
а. Overview of capacitive type attenuators
б. Principle of operation
с. Types of capacitive materials used
3. Inductive type attenuators
а. Overview of inductive type attenuators
б. Principle of operation
с. Types of inductive materials used
Б. Variable attenuators
1. Step attenuator
а. Overview of step attenuators
б. Principle of operation
с. Steps of attenuation
2. Continuously variable attenuator
а. Overview of continuously variable attenuators
б. Principle of operation
с. Control mechanisms
3. Programmable attenuator
а. Overview of programmable attenuators
б. Principle of operation
с. Programming options

IV. Applications of in line attenuators
А. Telecommunication industry
Б. Audio and video equipment
С. Satellite communications
Д. Test and measurement

В. Advantages and disadvantages of in line attenuators
А. Преимущества
Б. Disadvantages

VI. Заключение

ЧИТАТЬ  виды распространения семян

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