проводка конца кабеля ethernet

проводка конца кабеля ethernet

Ethernet Cable End Wiring

я. Введение
Ethernet cables are widely used for connecting devices in a Local Area Network (локальная сеть). They are essential for establishing a stable and high-speed internet connection. One critical aspect of setting up an ethernet cable is understanding its end wiring.

II. Types of Ethernet Cable End Wiring
There are two main types of ethernet cable end wiring commonly used. They are:
А. Straight-through Wiring
1. Описание: In straight-through wiring, the wires at one end of the cable are arranged in the same order as the wires at the other end.
2. Приложение: Straight-through wiring is typically used for connecting different types of devices, such as a computer to a switch or a router to a modem.
Б. Crossover Wiring
1. Описание: In crossover wiring, the wires at one end of the cable are crossed or swapped with the wires at the other end.
2. Приложение: Crossover wiring is mostly used for connecting devices of the same type, например, computer-to-computer or switch-to-switch.

III. Straight-through Wiring
А. Color Coding
1. Different ethernet cable standards use different color coding conventions.
2. The most common color coding standard for straight-through wiring is the TIA/EIA-568B.
3. The color order for TIA/EIA-568B is: orange-white, апельсин, green-white, синий, blue-white, зеленый, brown-white, коричневый.

Б. Wiring Steps
1. Strip the outer insulation of the ethernet cable.
2. Separate the twisted pairs of wires.
3. Straighten each wire and arrange them according to the desired color order (TIA/EIA-568B for straight-through).
4. Trim the wires to the same length.
5. Insert the wires into the RJ-45 connector in the correct pinout order.
6. Use a crimper tool to secure the wires in the connector.

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IV. Crossover Wiring
А. Color Coding
1. For crossover wiring, the TIA/EIA-568A color coding standard is commonly used.
2. The color order for TIA/EIA-568A is: green-white, зеленый, orange-white, синий, blue-white, апельсин, brown-white, коричневый.

Б. Wiring Steps
1. Follow steps 1-4 of straight-through wiring.
2. Arrange the wires in the desired color order (TIA/EIA-568A for crossover).
3. Insert the wires into the RJ-45 connector following the crossover pinout order.
4. Use a crimper tool to secure the wires in the connector.

В. Заключение
Proper ethernet cable end wiring is crucial for establishing a reliable network connection. Whether using straight-through or crossover wiring, understanding the color coding standards and correctly arranging the wires is essential. By following the appropriate steps, users can ensure a successful and efficient ethernet cable installation.

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