порядок проводки кабеля Ethernet

порядок проводки кабеля Ethernet

Ethernet Cable Wiring Order

Ethernet cables are the backbone of modern networking infrastructure. They are used to connect devices such as computers, маршрутизаторы, и переключатели, allowing them to communicate and share data. In order for Ethernet cables to function properly, the wiring order must be correct. This article will provide a detailed explanation of the wiring order for Ethernet cables.

я. Ethernet Cable Types
There are different types of Ethernet cables, commonly known as twisted pair cables, based on their categories. The most commonly used Ethernet cables are CAT5, CAT5е, and CAT6 cables. Each category has specific characteristics and capabilities, but they all follow the same wiring order.

II. неэкранированная витая пара (УТП) Cable Wiring Order
The wiring order for UTP cables is standardized and known as the TIA/EIA-568-B wiring scheme. This scheme defines the order in which the individual wires within an Ethernet cable should be terminated. The wiring order is as follows:

1. Белый/оранжевый провод
2. Оранжевый провод
3. Белый/зеленый провод
4. Синий провод
5. Белый/синий провод
6. Зеленый провод
7. Белый/коричневый провод
8. Коричневый провод

When terminating an Ethernet cable, each wire is paired with its corresponding wire of the same color with a white or white stripe. This wiring order ensures proper communication and eliminates crosstalk between the wires.

III. Ethernet Cable Termination
Terminating an Ethernet cable involves attaching connectors, commonly known as RJ-45 connectors, to both ends of the cable. The wiring order mentioned above should be followed while terminating the connectors. The wires are inserted into the connector’s slots, and a crimping tool is used to secure the wires in place.

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IV. Cable Standards
To ensure compatibility and performance, Ethernet cables must conform to specific standards. The two most commonly used standards are T568A and T568B. These standards differ only in the wiring order of the green and orange wire pairs. Both standards are widely accepted, but it is essential to use the same standard on both ends of the Ethernet cable.

В. Заключение
Proper wiring order is crucial for Ethernet cables to function correctly. Following the TIA/EIA-568-B wiring scheme ensures reliable communication and prevents interference between the wires. Whether using CAT5, CAT5е, or CAT6 cables, it is important to terminate the cables correctly by following the wiring order mentioned above. By adhering to the necessary cable standards, Ethernet cables can provide high-speed and stable network connections.

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