difference between ethernet and internet

difference between ethernet and internet

Difference between Ethernet and Internet

eu. Introducere
A. Overview of Ethernet
B. Overview of the Internet

II. Ethernet
A. Definition and Functionality
1. Ethernet is a local area network (LAN) technology
2. Provides a way to connect devices within a limited area
B. Physical Connection
1. Uses physical cables and connectors
2. Commonly employs Ethernet ports and Ethernet cables
C. Data Transmission
1. Utilizes a set of protocols for transmitting data packets
2. Ensures efficient and reliable transmission within the network
D. Speed and Range
1. Offers high-speed data transfer within a limited area
2. Typically used in homes, offices, and educational institutions

III. Internet
A. Definition and Functionality
1. The Internet is a global network of networks
2. Connects devices and networks worldwide
B. Virtual Connection
1. Relies on various technologies for connectivity
2. Includes wireless connections, fiber optic cables, and satellites
C. Data Transmission
1. Utilizes the Internet Protocol (IP) for packet switching
2. Enables communication between different networks
D. Speed and Range
1. Offers variable data transfer speeds based on network infrastructure
2. Covers a vast geographical area, connecting users globally

IV. Differences
A. Scope
1. Ethernet is a local network technology, limited to a specific area
2. The Internet connects devices and networks worldwide
B. Connectivity
1. Ethernet requires physical cables and connectors for connectivity
2. The Internet utilizes both physical and wireless technologies for connectivity
C. Data Transmission
1. Ethernet ensures efficient and reliable data transmission within a limited area
2. The Internet enables communication between different networks across the globe
D. Speed and Range
1. Ethernet provides high-speed data transfer within a limited area
2. The Internet offers variable speeds and covers a wide geographical range

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V. Concluzie
A. Recap of the differences between Ethernet and the Internet
B. Importance of understanding the distinctions for efficient networking
C. Significance of both Ethernet and the Internet in modern-day connectivity.

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