profoto air remote transceiver

profoto air remote transceiver

Profoto Air Remote Transceiver

1. Introduction
The Profoto Air Remote Transceiver is a powerful and versatile tool that allows photographers to wirelessly control and trigger their Profoto lighting equipment. It provides a convenient and efficient way to work with lighting setups, offering flexibility and convenience in the studio or on location.

2. Key Features
The Air Remote Transceiver offers a range of features that makes it an essential tool for professional photographers:

2.1. Wireless Connectivity
Using the latest radio technology, the Air Remote Transceiver allows photographers to control their lighting equipment wirelessly. It provides a reliable and stable connection, ensuring seamless communication between the transmitter and receiver units.

2.2. Multi-Channel Control
With the Air Remote Transceiver, photographers can control multiple lighting groups or individual units simultaneously. It offers up to eight channels, enabling users to work with complex lighting setups without interference.

2.3. Sync Speed
The Air Remote Transceiver supports high-speed sync (HSS) functionality, which allows photographers to use their Profoto lights at shutter speeds beyond the camera’s normal sync speed. This feature is particularly useful for freezing motion or capturing action shots in bright ambient light.

2.4. TTL and Manual Control
The Air Remote Transceiver supports both TTL (Through The Lens) and manual control modes. In TTL mode, the transceiver communicates with the camera to automatically set the correct power output of the lights, based on the scene’s lighting conditions. Manual mode allows for precise control and fine-tuning of the lighting.

2.5. Range and Battery Life
The Air Remote Transceiver has an impressive operating range of up to 300 meters (1,000 feet), providing photographers with the flexibility to shoot from a distance. Additionally, the transceiver boasts a long battery life, ensuring continuous use throughout a photoshoot or event.

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3. Benefits and Applications
The Profoto Air Remote Transceiver offers numerous benefits to photographers:

3.1. Convenience and Efficiency
With wireless control, photographers can easily adjust the lighting setup without the need for constant physical adjustments. This saves time and energy, allowing photographers to focus on capturing the perfect shot.

3.2. Versatility
The Air Remote Transceiver is compatible with a wide range of Profoto lighting equipment, including studio strobes and portable flashes. This versatility allows photographers to adapt their lighting setup to different shooting scenarios, from studio portraits to outdoor fashion shoots.

3.3. Creativity and Control
The Air Remote Transceiver provides photographers with greater creative freedom and control over their lighting. Whether using TTL mode for quick and accurate exposures or manual mode for precise adjustments, photographers can effortlessly achieve their desired lighting effects.

4. Conclusion
The Profoto Air Remote Transceiver is an essential accessory for professional photographers who demand flexibility, convenience, and control in their lighting setups. With its wireless connectivity, multi-channel control, high-speed sync capability, and versatile operation modes, the Air Remote Transceiver empowers photographers to unleash their creativity and capture stunning images with ease.

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