asmodee wavelength

asmodee wavelength

Asmodee Wavelength: A Mind-Bending Party Game


Wavelength is an intriguing party game developed by Asmodee, a leading name in the board game industry. This innovative game combines deductive reasoning, communication skills, and teamwork to create an engaging and mind-bending experience. In this article, we will delve into the multiple facets of Wavelength, exploring its gameplay, rules, and overall experience.

I. Gameplay:

In Wavelength, players are divided into teams and take turns as the \emitters.\Each round, an emitter draws a card with a spectrum, ranging from one extreme to another, such as \sad to happy,\” \”cold to hot,\” or \small to large.\The emitter then secretly selects a position on this spectrum and uses a dial to indicate their chosen point.

The rest of the team, known as the \psychics,\” must now work together to guess the emitter’s position on the spectrum. To achieve this, the emitter describes a clue that would guide the psychics towards the correct answer. These clues can be anything from a single word to a sentence or even a gesture. The key here is to strike a balance between providing enough information without making it too obvious.

II. Scoring:

After the psychics make their guesses, the emitter reveals the correct position on the spectrum. Points are awarded based on how close the guesses are to the true location. The closer a psychic’s guess to the emitter’s point, the more points their team earns. The game continues with different players rotating as emitters in each round.

III. Strategy and Communication:

Wavelength is not just about guessing correctly; it also emphasizes effective communication and teamwork. As the emitters, players must carefully craft their clues, considering the different interpretations their teammates might have. For example, if the spectrum is \loud to quiet,\” an emitter could say \concert\to indicate a loud sound, but their team might interpret it differently, such as thinking of a musical instrument instead.

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The psychics, z drugiej strony, must actively listen to the clues and use their own deductive reasoning to make accurate guesses. By combining their individual insights and perspectives, the psychics can collectively arrive at the most accurate answer. This aspect of the game fosters collaboration and encourages players to think outside the box.

IV. Experience and Replayability:

Wavelength offers an immersive and enjoyable experience for players of all ages and backgrounds. Its unique gameplay mechanics make every round different, ensuring that no game is ever the same. The wide variety of possible spectrums also guarantees endless possibilities and ensures players will never run out of topics to explore.

Furthermore, the game’s intuitive rules and straightforward setup make it accessible to both casual players and seasoned board game enthusiasts. The balance between strategy, communication, and deduction keeps players engaged and eager for the next round. Be it with friends, family, or colleagues, Wavelength is an ideal choice for social gatherings, game nights, or team-building activities.


Asmodee’s Wavelength stands out as an innovative and intellectually stimulating party game. Its multi-faceted gameplay, focus on communication and deduction, and high replayability make it a must-have addition to any board game collection. Whether you are a fan of brain teasers, enjoy collaborative challenges, or simply looking for a fun and immersive party game, Wavelength is the perfect choice. Get ready to stretch your mind, sharpen your communication skills, and embark on exciting journeys of perception with Wavelength.

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