what is inside fiber optic cable

what is inside fiber optic cable

What Is Inside Fiber Optic Cable


Fiber optic cables have revolutionized the telecommunications industry by enabling the transmission of vast amounts of data at incredible speeds. These cables consist of a complex structure that allows for the efficient and reliable transfer of information. In dit artikel, we will explore what is inside a fiber optic cable and how it functions.

I. Outer Protective Layer:

The outermost layer of a fiber optic cable is designed to protect the delicate components inside from physical damage. It is typically made of a sturdy polymer or a combination of polymers, ensuring durability and resistance to external factors like moisture, heat, and UV radiation. This layer shields the internal components from harm, making it suitable for both underground and overhead installations.

II. Strength Member:

Beneath the outer protective layer lies a strength member responsible for adding tensile strength to the cable. This component is usually made of aramid fibers, such as Kevlar?, or fiberglass. The strength member provides support and prevents the cable from stretching or breaking during installation or when subjected to tension.

III. Buffer Coating:

A buffer coating surrounds the strength member and is directly in contact with the actual fiber optic strands. This layer consists of a thick plastic material, such as acrylate, that acts as a cushion, protecting the fragile fibers from external forces. It also helps to absorb any mechanical stress that may occur, reducing the risk of damage to the inner components.

IV. Fiber Optic Strands:

The heart of a fiber optic cable lies within the numerous fiber optic strands present inside. These strands are incredibly thin, typically ranging from 8 to 10 micrometers in diameter. Each strand consists of a core, made of high-quality glass or plastic fibers, surrounded by a cladding material with a lower refractive index. The design of the core and cladding allows for the transmission of light signals, carrying information at the speed of light.

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V. Protective Sheath:

To ensure long-term protection, a final layer called the protective sheath encases the fiber optic strands. This sheath is usually made of a durable plastic material, such as polyethylene. It shields the cable from water, moisture, and other external environmental hazards, ensuring the reliability and longevity of the cable.


Fiber optic cables are an incredible feat of engineering, utilizing advanced materials and precise manufacturing techniques to transmit data efficiently. With their complex yet robust composition, these cables are capable of providing high-speed and reliable telecommunications solutions. Understanding the internal components of fiber optic cables allows us to appreciate the tremendous advancements that have made the modern information age possible.

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