고양이 5 ethernet wiring diagram

고양이 5 ethernet wiring diagram

Cat 5 Ethernet Wiring Diagram

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오늘날의 디지털 시대에, Ethernet is the standard protocol for wired computer networks. It allows for high-speed data transmission between devices, such as computers, 라우터, and switches. Cat 5 Ethernet cables are commonly used to establish these connections. Understanding the wiring diagram for Cat 5 Ethernet cables is essential for anyone looking to set up or troubleshoot a wired network. In this article, we will provide a detailed explanation of the wiring diagram for Cat 5 Ethernet cables.

II. Wiring Diagram Overview

The wiring diagram for Cat 5 Ethernet cables consists of several components, including the cable itself, RJ-45 connectors, and color-coded wires. The diagram depicts how the wires should be arranged within the cable and connected to the corresponding pins in the RJ-45 connectors.

III. Wire Color Codes

Cat 5 Ethernet cables have four pairs of wires, each with a different color code. The standard color codes for Cat 5 Ethernet cables are:

Pair 1: White/Orange and Orange
Pair 2: White/Green and Green
Pair 3: White/Blue and Blue
Pair 4: White/Brown and Brown

IV. Wiring Sequence

The wiring sequence for Cat 5 Ethernet cables follows a specific pattern. Each wire in the cable needs to be connected to the appropriate pin in the RJ-45 connector. The correct sequence is as follows:

1. Pin 1: White/Orange
2. Pin 2: Orange
3. Pin 3: White/Green
4. Pin 4: Blue
5. Pin 5: White/Blue
6. Pin 6: Green
7. Pin 7: White/Brown
8. Pin 8: Brown

V. Wiring Standards

There are two wiring standards commonly used for Cat 5 Ethernet cables: T568A and T568B. Both standards provide the same functionality, and it is crucial to ensure that both ends of the cable follow the same standard to establish a successful connection.

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T568A Standard: In this standard, the wiring sequence for pairs 1 and 2 is swapped. The sequence for pairs 3 and 4 remains the same.
T568B Standard: In this standard, the wiring sequence for pairs 1 and 2 remains the same. The sequence for pairs 3 and 4 is swapped.

VI. Wiring Configuration

To create a Cat 5 Ethernet cable, one end of the cable needs to follow the T568A standard, and the other end should follow the T568B standard. This configuration allows for the compatibility of the cable with various networking devices.

VII. 결론

Understanding the wiring diagram for Cat 5 Ethernet cables is essential for setting up and troubleshooting wired computer networks. Following the correct wiring sequence and standards ensures a reliable and efficient network connection. By using the appropriate color codes and connecting the wires correctly, one can create a functional Cat 5 Ethernet cable.

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