in the visible spectrum what color has the longest wavelength

in the visible spectrum what color has the longest wavelength

In the Visible Spectrum, What Color Has the Longest Wavelength?


The visible spectrum refers to the range of electromagnetic radiation that can be detected by the human eye. This spectrum encompasses various colors, each with different wavelengths. Among them, there is a color with the longest wavelength. Dans cet article, we will explore and discuss which color in the visible spectrum has the longest wavelength.

je. Understanding the Visible Spectrum:

The visible spectrum ranges from approximately 380 to 700 nanometers in wavelength. It comprises seven main colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, often remembered by the acronym ROYGBIV. Each color is associated with a specific range of wavelengths, with red having the longest wavelength and violet having the shortest.

II. The Longest Wavelength Color:

Among the seven colors in the visible spectrum, we find that red has the longest wavelength. With a wavelength of approximately 620-750 nanometers, red light has the least amount of energy and appears at the end of the visible spectrum. This longer wavelength allows red light to travel through medium and long distances, making it more visible compared to colors with shorter wavelengths.

III. Application and Perception of Red:

Red light is readily absorbed by objects and is often used in various applications. For instance, traffic lights utilize red as a signal to indicate drivers to stop. The longer wavelength of red light contributes to its visibility, ensuring that drivers can easily recognize and react to the signal.

Furthermore, the human eye is more sensitive to longer wavelengths, such as red, compared to shorter wavelengths like blue or violet. This sensitivity is due to the structure of the eye’s photoreceptor cells, particularly the cones responsible for color vision. Par conséquent, red objects appear brighter and more pronounced to the human eye.

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IV. Other Colors and Their Wavelengths:

While red possesses the longest wavelength in the visible spectrum, it is essential to mention the other colors and their corresponding wavelengths. Here is a brief overview:

Orange: Approximately 590-620 nanometers in wavelength.
Yellow: Approximately 570-590 nanometers in wavelength.
Green: Approximately 495-570 nanometers in wavelength.
Blue: Approximately 450-495 nanometers in wavelength.
Indigo: Approximately 445-450 nanometers in wavelength.
Violet: Approximately 380-445 nanometers in wavelength.


In conclusion, red is the color in the visible spectrum with the longest wavelength. Understanding the various colors and their associated wavelengths allows us to comprehend how different light waves interact with objects and how our eyes perceive them. Red light’s longer wavelength contributes to its prominence and visibility, making it an essential color in both practical applications and our daily perception of the visual world.

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