Différence entre fibre monomode et multimode

Différence entre fibre monomode et multimode

Difference between Single Mode and Multimode Fiber

je. Introduction
UN. Background information on fiber optic cables
B. Importance of understanding the difference between single mode and multimode fibers

II. Single Mode Fiber
UN. Definition and characteristics
1. Thin core diameter
2. High bandwidth
3. Longer transmission distance
B. Applications
1. Télécommunications
2. Long-distance data transmission
3. Cable television networks

III. Multimode Fiber
UN. Definition and characteristics
1. Larger core diameter
2. Lower bandwidth
3. Shorter transmission distance
B. Applications
1. Local area networks (LAN)
2. Indoor data communication
3. Video surveillance systems

IV. Comparaison
UN. Bandwidth
1. Single mode fibers offer higher bandwidth
2. Multimode fibers offer lower bandwidth
B. Distance
1. Single mode fibers transmit signals over longer distances
2. Multimode fibers are more suitable for shorter distances
C. Coût
1. Single mode fibers are more expensive
2. Multimode fibers are more economical

V. Conclusion
UN. Importance of choosing the right fiber optic cable for specific applications
B. Summary of the differences between single mode and multimode fibers
C. Final thoughts on the future of fiber optic technology and its impact on various industries

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