weber attenuator mini mass

weber attenuator mini mass

Weber Attenuator Mini Mass


The Weber Attenuator Mini Mass is a revolutionary device for guitarists seeking to control their amplifier’s volume without sacrificing tone. This compact attenuator is designed to fit seamlessly into any guitarist’s setup, providing the perfect blend of functionality and performance. I denne artikel, we will delve into the features and benefits of the Weber Attenuator Mini Mass, showcasing why it is an essential tool for any guitarist.

jeg. What is an attenuator?

An attenuator is a device that allows guitarists to adjust the output level of their amplifier without compromising the tone. It achieves this by attenuating, or reducing, the power of the signal before it reaches the speaker. This is particularly useful for guitarists who want to crank their amplifier for that desired tone but need to control the overall volume.

II. Features of the Weber Attenuator Mini Mass

1. Compact Design

The Mini Mass features a compact design that easily fits on any pedalboard or amplifier. Its small size means it can be easily transported and used in any gigging or recording situation.

2. Adjustable Attenuation Levels

The Mini Mass offers a wide range of attenuation levels, allowing guitarists to finely control their amplifier’s output volume. With a simple turn of the knob, users can dial in the perfect volume level for any playing situation.

3. Transparent Tone

One of the standout features of the Mini Mass is its ability to maintain the guitar’s tone, even at low volume levels. This is achieved through the use of high-quality components and meticulous design, ensuring that the attenuated signal retains its clarity and dynamics.

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III. Benefits of the Weber Attenuator Mini Mass

1. Crank Your Amp, Control the Volume

With the Mini Mass, guitarists can now enjoy the full range of their amplifier’s tone without the need for excessive volume. No longer do you have to compromise on tone when playing at lower volume levels.

2. Versatility in Performance

The adjustable attenuation levels of the Mini Mass allow it to be used in a variety of performance scenarios. Whether you’re practicing at home, performing on a small stage, or recording in the studio, the Mini Mass can adapt to suit your needs.

3. Protect Your Ears and Equipment

By reducing the output volume of the amplifier, the Mini Mass helps protect both the guitarist’s ears and their equipment. This is particularly important in high-volume situations, where excessive noise can lead to hearing damage and potential equipment failure.


The Weber Attenuator Mini Mass is a game-changer for guitarists who value both tone and volume control. Its compact design, adjustable attenuation levels, and transparent tone make it an essential tool for any guitarist’s setup. Whether you’re a gigging musician or a bedroom player, the Mini Mass provides the perfect solution for achieving optimal tone at any volume level. Say goodbye to sacrificing tone and hello to the Weber Attenuator Mini Mass.

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