treisman's attenuation model

treisman’s attenuation model

Treisman’s Attenuation Model

jeg. Introduktion
A. Background information on selective attention
B. Overview of the Treisman’s attenuation model

II. Theories of Selective Attention
A. Early selection models
1. Broadbent’s Filter Model
2. Treisman’s Dichotic Listening Task and findings

B. Late selection models
1. Deutsch and Deutsch’s Late Selection Model
2. Critical evaluation and limitations of late selection models

III. Treisman’s Attenuation Model
A. Description of the model
1. Attentional filter
2. Attenuator
3. Dictionary unit
4. Processing stages

B. Mechanisms of the model
1. Filter analysis
2. Attenuation
3. Threshold activation

C. Evidence supporting the model
1. Studies using dichotic listening tasks
2. Neuroimaging studies
3. Cognitive load experiments

IV. Criticisms and Limitations of the Attenuation Model
A. Lack of specificity in the definition of the attenuator
B. Inadequacy in explaining cocktail party phenomenon
C. Alternative models proposed

V. Applications and Extensions of the Attenuation Model
A. Attentional disorders and psychiatric conditions
B. Enhancing cognitive performance
C. Neural network models incorporating attenuation mechanisms

VI. Konklusion
A. Recap of the Treisman’s Attenuation Model
B. Significance of the model in understanding selective attention
C. Future research directions

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