pigmentary dispersion syndrome

pigmentary dispersion syndrome

Pigmentary Dispersion Syndrome

jeg. Introduktion
A. Definition
B. Prevalence

II. Causes and Risk Factors
A. Genetics
B. Ocular anatomy
C. Age and gender

III. Symptoms and Signs
A. Blurred vision
B. Halos around lights
C. Floaters
D. Eye pain or discomfort
E. Elevated intraocular pressure

IV. Diagnosis
A. Comprehensive eye examination
B. Gonioscopy
C. Ocular coherence tomography

V. Treatment
A. Medications for reducing intraocular pressure
B. Laser trabeculoplasty
C. Surgical intervention (trabeculectomy or glaucoma drainage devices)

VI. Complications
A. Pigmentary glaucoma
B. Optic nerve damage
C. Vision loss

VII. Konklusion
A. Importance of early detection
B. Regular eye check-ups
C. Personalized treatment plan

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