ethernet cable to ps4

ethernet cable to ps4

Ethernet Cable to PS4


The Ethernet cable is an essential component for connecting the PlayStation 4 (PS4) gaming console to the internet. With a reliable Ethernet connection, PS4 gamers can enjoy stable online gameplay, faster download speeds, and a seamless gaming experience. I denne artikel, we will guide you through the process of using an Ethernet cable to connect your PS4 console to the internet.

jeg. Gathering the required equipment:

Before connecting the Ethernet cable to your PS4, ensure you have the following equipment ready:

1. Ethernet cable: Make sure you have a high-quality Ethernet cable that is long enough to reach from your PS4 to the router.
2. PS4 console: Ensure your console is turned off before connecting the Ethernet cable.
3. Router: Make sure your router is turned on and functioning properly.
4. Internet connection: Ensure you have an active internet connection and the necessary login credentials.

II. Connecting the Ethernet cable to your PS4:

Once you have gathered the necessary equipment, follow these steps to connect the Ethernet cable to your PS4:

1. Locate the Ethernet port: On the back of your PS4 console, you will find an Ethernet port. It looks similar to a larger version of a telephone jack.
2. Plug in the Ethernet cable: Insert one end of the Ethernet cable into the Ethernet port on the back of your PS4 console.
3. Connect the other end to the router: Take the other end of the Ethernet cable and insert it into one of the available Ethernet ports on your router.
4. Turn on the PS4: After connecting the Ethernet cable, power on your PS4 console.

Se også  8 port ethernet hub

III. Configuring the network settings:

Now that you have physically connected the Ethernet cable to your PS4, you need to configure the network settings to enable internet connectivity. Follow these instructions:

1. Navigate to the settings menu: On the PS4 home screen, scroll to the right and select the \Settings\option.
2. Select \Network\”: In the settings menu, choose the \Network\option.
3. Choose \Set Up Internet Connection\”: Under the Network settings, select the \Set Up Internet Connection\option.
4. Select \Use a LAN Cable\”: In the setup options, choose \Use a LAN Cable\as the connection method.
5. Enable automatic settings: Choose \Easy\and select the \Automatic\option to let your PS4 automatically configure the network settings.
6. Test the connection: Once the settings are configured, select \Test Internet Connection\to ensure a successful connection.

IV. Benefits of using an Ethernet cable with your PS4:

Using an Ethernet cable to connect your PS4 console to the internet offers several advantages:

1. Stable connection: Unlike Wi-Fi, Ethernet provides a more stable and reliable connection, minimizing lag and disruptions during gameplay.
2. Faster download speeds: Ethernet cables offer higher data transfer rates, resulting in faster downloads for games, updates, and patches.
3. Improved online gaming experience: By using an Ethernet cable, you can enjoy smoother online gaming sessions with reduced latency and a more consistent connection.


Connecting your PS4 to the internet via an Ethernet cable is essential for serious gamers seeking a stable and reliable internet connection. By following the steps mentioned above, you can ensure a seamless online gaming experience with faster downloads and improved gameplay. Don’t let an unstable Wi-Fi connection hinder your gaming – opt for an Ethernet cable and unleash the full potential of your PS4 console.

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