windows 10 no wifi option only ethernet

windows 10 no wifi option only ethernet

Windows 10 No WiFi Option, Only Ethernet

Explanation of the issue
Importance of having a WiFi connection

我. Understanding the Problem:
Causes of the issue
Possible reasons for WiFi option not appearing

二. Troubleshooting Steps:
1. Check WiFi Adapter:
Instructions on how to open Device Manager
Look for any yellow exclamation marks next to the WiFi adapter
If there is one, right-click and select \Update driver\
If no exclamation mark, right-click and select \Disable\then \Enable\
Restart the computer and check for the WiFi option

2. Restart Router and Modem:
How to restart both router and modem
Wait for a few minutes before turning them back on
Check if the WiFi option appears after restarting the devices

3. Reset Network Settings:
Open Windows Settings
Go to \Network & Internet\and select \Status\
Scroll down and click on \Network reset\
Confirm the action and restart the computer
Check if the WiFi option reappears after the reset

三、. Updating Network Drivers:
1. Update through Device Manager:
Open Device Manager
Expand the \Network adapters\category
Right-click on the WiFi adapter and select \Update driver\
Choose the option to search automatically for updated driver software
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the update

2. Update through Manufacturer’s Website:
Note down the make and model of the WiFi adapter
Visit the manufacturer’s website
Look for the support or downloads section
Search for the latest driver for your specific adapter model
Download and install the driver according to the manufacturer’s instructions

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四號. Additional Steps:
1. Check for Windows Updates:
Open Windows Settings
Go to \Update & Security\and select \Windows Update\
Click on \Check for updates\and install any available updates
Restart the computer and check if the WiFi option appears

2. Perform a System Restore:
Open Windows Settings
Go to \Update & Security\and select \Recovery\
Click on \Open System Restore\
Follow the on-screen instructions to restore your system to a previous point where the WiFi option was working

Recap of the troubleshooting steps
Importance of keeping network drivers up to date
Reminder to contact technical support if the issue persists


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