steam link over ethernet

steam link over ethernet

Steam Link over Ethernet

Giới thiệu:
Steam Link is a device developed by Valve Corporation that allows users to stream games from their PC to a TV or any other display device. While the device comes equipped with a built-in Wi-Fi module, some users might prefer a more stable and reliable connection than what Wi-Fi can offer. This is where Ethernet comes into play. In this article, we will guide you through the process of setting up a Steam Link over Ethernet for an optimal gaming experience.

TÔI. Equipment Needed:
Before diving into the setup process, here is a list of equipment you will need:
1. Steam Link device
2. Ethernet cable
3. PC or gaming laptop
4. TV or display device
5. Router with Ethernet ports

II. Steps to Set Up Steam Link over Ethernet:
1. Connect Steam Link to the TV:
a. Plug in one end of the HDMI cable to the Steam Link device and the other end to the TV.
b. Turn on the TV and select the corresponding HDMI input.

2. Connect Steam Link to the Router:
a. Plug one end of the Ethernet cable into the Ethernet port on the Steam Link.
b. Plug the other end into any available Ethernet port on the router.

3. Connect PC to the Router:
a. Plug one end of the Ethernet cable into an available Ethernet port on the router.
b. Connect the other end to the Ethernet port on your PC or gaming laptop.

4. Turn on Steam Link and PC:
a. Plug in the power adapter for the Steam Link and turn it on.
b. Turn on your PC or gaming laptop.

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5. Configuring the Steam Link:
a. On your TV, follow the on-screen instructions to set up the Steam Link.
b. Once the setup is complete, you will see a code displayed on your TV screen.

6. Pairing the Steam Link with your PC:
a. On your PC or gaming laptop, open the Steam application.
b. Go to \Steam\in the top navigation bar, then select \Settings.\
c. In the settings menu, click on \Remote Play\in the left-hand sidebar.
d. Click on \Pair Steam Link\and enter the code displayed on the TV.
e. Click on \Pair Steam Link\to complete the pairing process.

7. Enjoy Gaming:
Once the pairing process is complete, you can now navigate through your Steam library on the TV and start playing games. The Ethernet connection provides a stable and fast connection, minimizing lag and ensuring a smooth gaming experience.

III. Troubleshooting Tips:
1. If you encounter connection issues, make sure the Ethernet cables are securely plugged in.
2. Restarting your router and Steam Link device can sometimes resolve connectivity problems.
3. Check for any firmware updates for your Steam Link device.
4. Ensure that your PC or gaming laptop is connected to a stable internet connection.
5. If audio or video quality is poor, adjust the resolution and bitrate settings in the Steam Link settings menu.

Phần kết luận:
Setting up a Steam Link over Ethernet can significantly enhance your gaming experience by providing a stable and reliable connection. Bằng cách làm theo các bước được nêu trong bài viết này, you can enjoy seamless gameplay on your TV, taking advantage of the vast library of games available on Steam. Happy gaming!

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