ethernet 10 100

ethernet 10 100

이더넷 10/100

나. Definition and Overview
II. Evolution of Ethernet
III. 이더넷 10/100: A Breakdown

Definition and Overview
나. Definition of Ethernet
A. Network technology
비. Standard protocol
II. Overview of Ethernet 10/100
A. Variants of Ethernet
비. Speed limitations

Evolution of Ethernet
나. Early Ethernet Standards
A. Original Ethernet
비. Ethernet II
II. Fast Ethernet
III. Gigabit Ethernet
IV. 이더넷 10/100
A. Transition from Fast Ethernet
비. Advantages and disadvantages

이더넷 10/100: A Breakdown
나. 호환성
A. Backward compatibility
비. Limitations with newer technologies
II. Speed
A. 10 Mbps vs. 100 Mbps
비. Factors affecting speed performance
III. Cable Types
A. 범주 5 (CAT5) cable
비. Advantages and limitations

나. Summary of Ethernet 10/100
II. Importance in network connectivity
III. Future developments and replacements

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