mesa powerhouse attenuator

mesa powerhouse attenuator

Mesa Powerhouse Attenuator


The Mesa Powerhouse Attenuator is a revolutionary piece of equipment that allows guitarists to control the volume of their amplifiers without sacrificing tone or dynamics. Whether you’re performing on stage or practicing at home, this attenuator offers a unique solution to the age-old problem of achieving a great tone at lower volume levels.

je. What is an Attenuator?

Before we dive into the specifics of the Mesa Powerhouse Attenuator, let’s first understand what an attenuator is. In simple terms, an attenuator is a device that reduces the power or volume of an amplifier without affecting the overall tone. It allows guitarists to crank up their tube amps to get that sweet spot of natural tube saturation, while also bringing the volume down to a more manageable level.

II. Features of the Mesa Powerhouse Attenuator

The Mesa Powerhouse Attenuator is packed with a wide range of features that make it a top choice for professional guitarists worldwide.

1. Multi-Level Attenuation:
This attenuator offers step attenuation in different increments, allowing you to choose the perfect volume level for any situation. Whether you need a slight reduction in volume or a significant drop, the Powerhouse Attenuator has you covered.

2. Reactive Load Technology:
One of the standout features of this attenuator is its Reactive Load Technology, which emulates the natural interaction between a guitar amplifier and its speaker cabinets. This ensures that your tone remains intact even at lower volume levels, preserving the authenticity and responsiveness of your amp.

3. Impedance Matching:
The Powerhouse Attenuator features multiple impedance options, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of amplifiers and speaker setups. Whether you’re using a 4 ohm, 8 ohm, ou 16 ohm amplifier, this attenuator can handle it with ease.

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4. Built-in Recording and Headphone Outputs:
Another impressive feature is the inclusion of built-in recording and headphone outputs. This allows you to connect directly to your recording interface or plug in your headphones for silent practice sessions. It’s a convenient addition that adds versatility to your setup.

III. Benefits of the Mesa Powerhouse Attenuator

The Mesa Powerhouse Attenuator brings a host of benefits that make it indispensable for guitarists of all levels:

1. Preserve Tone and Dynamics:
With the Powerhouse Attenuator, you no longer have to compromise on tone or dynamics. You can achieve the same responsive feel and tonal characteristics of your tube amp even at lower volume levels, allowing you to enjoy your favorite sounds without disturbing others.

2. Polyvalence:
From live performances to studio recordings and late-night practice sessions, the Powerhouse Attenuator adapts to any scenario. Its multi-level attenuation options and impedance matching capabilities ensure that you can achieve your desired volume level in any setting.

3. Space-Saving Design:
The Powerhouse Attenuator is designed to be compact and portable, making it ideal for musicians who are always on the go. Its small form factor allows for easy integration into any rig without taking up valuable real estate.


The Mesa Powerhouse Attenuator is a game-changer for guitarists looking to control their amplifier volume without sacrificing tone or dynamics. Its multi-level attenuation, reactive load technology, impedance matching options, and built-in recording and headphone outputs make it an essential tool for professionals and amateurs alike. With the Powerhouse Attenuator, you can now enjoy the rich, saturated tones of your tube amp at any volume level, making it an invaluable addition to your musical arsenal.

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